Home SCHOLARSHIP Great UK Scholarships for International Students 2024-2025

Great UK Scholarships for International Students 2024-2025

by Global Alerte Emploi
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• Gérer l’agenda et l’emploi du temps quotidien du Directeur Général (prise de RDV, courriers, e-mails, congés…).
• Réceptionner et filtrer les appels téléphoniques.
• Accueillir physiquement les rendez-vous.
• Préparer et organiser la logistique des différents événements professionnels (réunions, déplacements, interventions orales, séminaires, salons professionnels, conférences téléphoniques…).
• Préparer et contrôler les dossiers nécessaires à la mission du Directeur Général (documentation, rapports, supports de communication, notes diverses pour les réunions…).
• Assurer en amont la préparation et le suivi des dossiers.
Gestion et suivi et archivage des comptes rendus et documentation du Directeur Général
• Réceptionner et trier le courrier pour ne présenter au Directeur Général que les informations essentielles.
• Assister aux réunions et en rédiger les comptes rendus.
• Rendre compte à travers des points réguliers de l’avancement de son travail, des rendez-vous prévus et des courriers à envoyer.
• Rassembler et mettre en forme des éléments de suivi (tableaux de bord, indicateurs, reporting…).
• Apporter un appui stratégique au Directeur Général dans l’élaboration et l’exécution des projets ;
• Participer au management des différents projets du Directeur Général en lien avec les départements concernés ;
• Participer à l’élaboration des plans stratégique de développement des activités ;
• Apporter un appui stratégique au Directeur Général dans l’élaboration et la signature des partenariats ;
• Participer au RDV d’affaires du Directeur Général à l’étranger
• BAC +3/4 en assistanat de direction Bilingue/ communication, gestion commercial, gestion des entreprise ou équivalent ;
• 05 ans d’expérience ;
• Maîtrise de la bureautique : pack Office (Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word)
• Maîtrise de l’utilisation d’outils collaboratifs et de communication (Internet, messagerie, planning partagé, web conférence, réseau social d’entreprise…)
• Connaissances en gestion administrative
• Connaissance des normes rédactionnelles
• Connaissance des techniques de prise de notes (éventuellement sténographie)
• Maîtrise de l’organisation d’événements
• Connaissances en droit du travail et législation sociale
• Maîtrise de la construction d’outils de reporting et de tableaux de bord
• Parfaitement bilingue (Français/Anglais)
Souhaitez-vous rejoindre une équipe dynamique et une entreprise en pleine croissance ?

Nb: Temps d’essai necessaire avant l’embauche


Alors merci d’adresser votre C.V & lettre de motivation à :
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 9 fevrier 2024


In the competitive landscape of higher education, the prospect of studying in the United Kingdom becomes even more appealing when coupled with the availability of scholarships for international students. The year 2024 brings forth a myriad of opportunities for students from across the globe to pursue their academic dreams in the UK. This comprehensive guide explores the various scholarships on offer, shedding light on the application process, eligibility criteria, and invaluable tips for securing financial aid.

Navigating the UK Scholarship Landscape

Embarking on a journey towards higher education in the UK necessitates a nuanced understanding of the available scholarships. This chapter provides an overview of the diverse options, ranging from government-sponsored programs to university-specific awards.

Government Scholarships: A Gateway to Excellence

Delving deeper, this chapter dissects the prominent government scholarships tailored for international students. From the Chevening Scholarship to the Commonwealth Scholarships, each program is examined to illuminate the opportunities they present.

University-Specific Scholarships: Tailoring Education

Universities in the UK often offer specialized scholarships that cater to the unique needs of international students. This section explores how these institutions extend financial support and contribute to the global diversity of their student body.

Subject-Specific Scholarships: Honing Expertise

For those with a specific academic focus, subject-specific scholarships become a beacon of hope. This chapter details how students can align their passion with financial support, ensuring a seamless integration of academic pursuits.

Merit-Based Scholarships: Recognizing Excellence

Academic brilliance is duly rewarded through merit-based scholarships. Unpacking the criteria and application process, this section provides insights into how students can showcase their achievements to stand out in the selection process.

Application Dos and Don’ts: Navigating the Process

Securing a scholarship is not only about qualifications but also about presenting oneself effectively. This chapter offers practical advice, from crafting compelling personal statements to securing strong recommendation letters, ensuring a polished application.

Unlocking Hidden Opportunities: Lesser-Known Scholarships

While some scholarships bask in the limelight, others operate in the shadows. This chapter uncovers hidden gems that may not be widely known but present significant opportunities for international students.

Overcoming Challenges: Financial Aid for Underrepresented Groups

Addressing the need for inclusivity, this section explores scholarships aimed at underrepresented groups. From minorities to women in STEM, discover how these scholarships contribute to a more diverse and equitable educational landscape.

Post-Graduation Prospects: Leveraging UK Education 

Beyond the academic journey, this chapter highlights how scholarships can influence post-graduation prospects. From networking opportunities to industry connections, delve into the long-term benefits of investing in a UK education.

Success Stories: Inspiring Tales of Scholarship Triumphs 

Nothing resonates more than real-life success stories. This chapter shares inspiring narratives of individuals who overcame challenges, secured scholarships, and thrived in their UK academic pursuits.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the key eligibility criteria for UK scholarships in 2024? To be eligible for UK scholarships in 2024, candidates typically need to demonstrate academic excellence, showcase leadership qualities, and fulfill any specific requirements set by individual scholarship programs.

2. How can international students increase their chances of securing a scholarship? International students can enhance their scholarship prospects by meticulously researching available opportunities, tailoring applications to showcase individual strengths, and seeking guidance from academic mentors or advisors.

3. Are there scholarships specifically for certain fields of study? Indeed, many scholarships in the UK cater to specific fields of study, providing targeted financial support for students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, humanities, and more.


4. What role do recommendation letters play in the scholarship application process? Recommendation letters are crucial components of a scholarship application, offering insights into an applicant’s character, achievements, and potential. Choosing recommenders who can provide compelling endorsements is essential.

5. Can international students apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously? Yes, international students can apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously, provided they meet the eligibility criteria for each. However, it’s crucial to manage time effectively to ensure high-quality applications for each opportunity.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide to UK scholarships for international students in 2024, it is evident that the opportunities are vast and diverse. Navigating the scholarship landscape requires diligence, determination, and a strategic approach. Whether you aspire to benefit from government-sponsored programs, university-specific awards, or niche scholarships, the key lies in aligning your strengths and aspirations with the right opportunity. As you embark on this journey, remember that the pursuit of knowledge knows no borders, and with the right financial support, the doors to a transformative education in the UK are wide open.


In a world where education shapes destinies, securing a scholarship can be the key to unlocking your fullest potential. The UK beckons with its rich academic heritage, and these scholarships pave the way for international students to become part of this vibrant tapestry. May your pursuit of knowledge be rewarded, and may the opportunities unveiled in this guide propel you toward a future filled with academic excellence and personal growth.

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